Sunday, February 13, 2011

Another Pencil Case

I have been trotting off to WW for 3 years now and along with the 35kg I have lost I have made some great friends, 2 girls in particular, and their kids. We have 7 kids between us... And I have watched these friends kids (and in one case family) grow. We were invited to the 7th birthday party of one of these little friends yesterday. Sarah is a lovely little girl, she loves music and dancing and like most 7 year olds, drawing and colour.

She has a few learning difficulties so it is sometimes difficult to 'get the gift right' but Amelia assured me a pencil case like hers would be a perfect gift. Stuffed with some of my favourite triangle BIC colouring pencils and some smelly gel ink pens, a double CD of music and a colour and copy Tinkerbell book, I figured it was a great gift too!

I chose the music fabric for Sarah's love of music and the bright colourful circles because of all the interesting pictures in the circles, I though there was a lot to look at and talk about.

We had such a good time, despite the weather which was WET and COLD. Such a shame as it was a mermaid party! The kids didn't care though, all got thoroughly wet but lots of squeals of excitement! Most of the kids that were there were from Sarah's special needs school and they were all delightful kids. Really well behaved and really caring towards each other. Amelia was a little unsure at first and took a while to understand why one particular little boy didn't know how to share or take turns but it wasn't long and her caring side took over and she had a great time. Until the water fight, she didn't really get the water fight and there were tears but once explained if she was goign to shoot someone she had to be prepared to get shot!

I really do take my hat off to the parents with special needs kids, they are a special breed of parent... Some of the stories I overheard we really rather amusing! But I guess like any parent, you do what you need to for your child and if they have special needs you adapt. We are all blessed and lucky in different ways.

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